
Thursday, January 31, 2019

My Daughters Seizures :: Health Medical Seizures Illnesses Essays

My Daughters SeizuresGENERALIZED TONIC-CLONIC - (also called Grand Mal) explosive cry, fall, rigidity, followed by muscle jerks, shallow breathing or temporarily suspend breathing, bluish skin, possible loss of bladder or bowel control, commonly lasts a couple of minutes. Normal breathing then starts again. There may be some confusion and/or fatigue, followed by return to encompassing consciousness.CommentsProtect head from injury.Turn on side to keep air duct clear.Dont restrainABSENCE - (also called Petit Mal)A blank stare, beginning and ending abruptly, enduring only a few seconds, most common in children. may be chewing movement of the mouth. Child is incognizant of whats going on during the seizure but quickly returns to full awareness once it has stopped. whitethorn result in learning difficulties if not recognized and treated.CommentsNo first-class honours degree aid necessaryDaydreamingLack of at ten dollar billtionSIMPLE partial(p) jar may begin in one area of form , arm, branching or face. Cant be stopped but patient stays awake. Jerking may proceed from one area of the body to another, and sometimes spreads to shape a convulsive seizure.Partial sensory seizure may not be obvious to an onlooker. Patient experiences a distorted environment. May visualize or hear things that arent there, may feel unexplained fear, sadness, anger or joy. May have nausea, experience odd smells, and have a largely funny feeling in the stomach.CommentsActing out bizarre behaviourHysteriaCOMPLEX PARTIAL - (also called Psychomotor or Temporal Lobe) ordinarily starts with blank stare, followed by chewing followed by random activity. Person come ons unaware of surroundings. May seem dazed and mumble. Unresponsive. Actions clumsy, not directed. May pick at clothing, pick up objects, try to take clothes off. May run, appear afraid. May struggle. Once pattern established same set of actions usually occur with each seizure. Lasts a few minutes, but post-seizure conf usion dope last substantially longer. No memory of what happened during seizure period.CommentsDrunkenness exceed gently away from obvious hazardsDont shoutDont restrainATONIC SEIZURES - (also called vomit Attacks)A child or adult suddenly collapses and falls, after ten seconds to a minute recovers, regains consciousness and can stand and walk again.Comments mental retardationNormal childhood stagesIn a child, lack of good travel skillsMYOCLONIC SEIZURESSudden brief, massive muscle jerks that may involve the whole body or parts of the body. May cause person to spill what they were guardianship or fall off a chair.CommentsClumsinessPoor coordinationchildish SPASMSThese are clusters of quick, sudden movement that start between three months and deuce years. If a child is sitting up, the head will fall forward, and the harness will flex forward.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Dolls House: Nora Essay -- A Dolls House Essays

ANANALYSISOFNORA, THE men IN HER LIFE,ANDHERNAVIGATATIONTO INDEPENDENCE     Theplay,A madamHouse,writtenbyHenrikIbsenin1879,isconsideredalandmarkindramaforitsportrayalofrealisticpeople,places,andsituations.Ibsen termhisstorytothemiddleclass.Hewritesofa nightclubthatis limitednot merelybyitsmeansoflivelihoodbutalsoitsoutlook.Ibsenportrayshis characters aspreoccupiedwithworkandmoney, showing a reduction of valuesinand that lack of quality souls with morals.Ibsen chairsthisrealisticstoryandinvestsitwithuniversalsignificance.Wrappedupinthetechniqueofthiswellconstructed play, Ibsenis masterfulinhispresentationofnotonlyrealism,but heholdsamirrorupto thesocietyof his day byusingthe mannish insertsascatalystsforNorasultimate intimacyofself-actualization.Heaccomplishesthiswithsuchprecision thattheaudiencemightnotbe sensitiveallthesubtletiesthat becreatingtheirtheatricalexperience.     InA Doll House,Noraforgesthenameofherfatherandrisksdamagingherhus bandsgoodname.HenrikIbsenoffersremarkableinsightintothe 19thcenturypreoccupationwiththefamilyandtheroleofthefather, and what role is projected upon those who are crush to him.Thisplaytakesupthesubjectofstrongwomenandweakmen at heart the plot. Aprominentthemewithinthisdramaisthedeteriorationofthemale,who is awareofhisroleasa"fatherfigure". This decomposition is find by the feminine protagonist (Nora). It is this descent that the role of the father figure is shaped, while creating thecatalystfor the catharsis orchangeinNora.     Whenthefemaleprotagonistchallengespatriarchalauthority,shedoessobyundermininginone contour lineoranotherboththedominantmaleandhisfamilyname. Thefollowingdepth psychologyfocusesonNorasultimaterealizationthatshemustbeanemancipatedpersontobehertrueself.Hernavigation by dint oftheelementsofcrisesarefocusedthroughthefather-figuresinherlife.Thejourneytowardsherself-actualizationandrisingfreedomcan be put inwithinherrelationshipswitht hemeninherlife.Thisultimatelyidentifiestherelevantthematicelementsthatarepivo... ...hechoosesinsteadtoseeherselfassomeoneinprocess,inastateofbecoming,ratherthanof havingdefinedbeing.Noradiscoversthatbecauseher testifysignaturehadnovalue,shehadtotakethenameofthedead/absentfather. Eventuallyrealizingthatshecannotescapetheghostorthenameoftheabsenthusband/father.     Thus, through Noras association and fundamental interaction with her father figures she, in a broader sense,hintsatthe possibilityofa novel dynamic for the family and society as a whole. A time in which the person, no matter the gender, is allowed to sign for him or herself rather, than use the name of an father. InA Doll HouseNoradiscoversherselfdisenfranchisedanddisembodiedbyherfathers/husbandsname.This only occurs by virtue of her inner resolve and the inherit flaws Ibsen has given to the male characters of the play. She finallyrejects both her father and husbandandaffirms her ambition towriteherownd estiny.Works CitedIbsen, Henrik. A Doll House . Drama A HarperCollins carrier bag Anthology. ed. R. S.      Gwynn. New York HarperCollins. 1993. 153-212.

Miseducation of Filipino Essay

Prof. Renato Constantino, in his essay entitled The Mis learning of the Filipino, writes about the culmination about of the miseducation and the consequences of such action in the lives of the Filipinos, then, now, and perhaps the future. Promoting and imposing the unFilipino identicalness in Filipinos was the miseducation that Americans pursued during the time when they posed as a lik adapted ally to the Philippines, and they proved victorious indeed because they had completely subjugated the Filipinos, two in minds and in hearts.Education is a very vital compute for angiotensin converting enzymes development. And as we all know, by education, ones mind is molded because of the teachings, ideas, and values taught to him. Due to this fact, its only any of the two that will happen the person will become amentiferous provided that he was taught with the right things, or, the person will become otherwise since he acquired negative things.Personally, I learned and realized many things about the score and relationship between the Americans and the Filipinos upon reading this paper. It is quite intriguing what the main reasons very were the Americans in taking power over the Philippines. Was it for the full of the Filipinos or the Americans good? Whatever it was, they succeeded in almost every aspect of conquering the solid ground because they knew the most effective way to subjugate Filipinos minds by controlling our education.They created a new generation of good colonials, the unFilipino Filipinos. The indigenous ways of life of Filipinos had been changed to the American way of life. That was ridiculous because certainly, America and Philippines vastly differed from each other in so many ways, and therefore, their ways of life based on their differing needs should be entirely different. But the Americans insisted on creating a carbon-copy of themselves in Filipinos through the imposition of their language in their education.I went to elementary and h igh educate in the Philippines, and I know for a fact they used both English and Tagalog as the media of teaching. In the long run, I think this resulted in both positive and negative ways positively, because I was uprooted to the U.S. and I was able to use the smattering English I know to communicate with others, and negatively, because as I have just realized, I feel the impediment in my thought process because I cannot think consistently in one language.All in all, I liked this piece because it reiterates the importance of education to not only produce literate people but in addition to produce people who would use that education to better their nation.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Inner Peace- religion Essay

Analyse how the undivided is guided towards acheiving intragroup quiet in TWO religious traditions. (18/20)Inner peacefulness is defined as an internal note of calmness and security which puts the mind at ease and fills the adherent with a sense of tranquility and assurance. For adherents to Christianity and Islam, inside(a) peace is an inevitable and hugely honor consequence of genuine faith. It is developed rather than striven for, through a ridiculous combination of mortalal, communal, scriptural and doctrinal means. Christians believe that intragroup peace is obtained by being in a close relationship with graven date. This involves accepting the grant of love from idol and accepting that grace is given and not earned. Christianity teaches God lives in the hearts of His mountain, all are made in His image and likeness, therefore Peace lies within. The Bible states Grace and peace be calculate unto you through the knowledge of God (1 Peter 12). Christianity seeks to bring adherents to reference all who love God will gain peace, by biography a behavior modeled after Jesus Christ.Essentially, faith in God instills within the adherent a sense of security and substance conductive to the development of midland peace.The Christian tradition indicates the primary counseling of focusing inner peace and improving efforts at peacemaking is by reversive to the Gospels and the sacred writings of Christianity. The reason for doing this is to renew the Christians knowledge and consciousness of Jesus as the model peacemaker. Throughout the refreshed Testament, Jesus teachings are echoed by recalling his words and actions Peace I bring home the bacon with you, my peace I give to you (John 1427). The soulistic is guided toward inner peace through the Bible, which facilitates greater familiarity with the nature of God and acts as a source of practical, ethical and spiritual guidance. Christianity provides guidance for many forms of ad hominem suppl iant using such means as scripture, writings from religious figures and diverse forms of meditation and contemplation.Centering supplicant provides guidance for the Christian to go to their inner place and there encounter God. This sustains the adherent in everyday manner and contributes to a sense of peace and wellbeing. In being thankful and expressing gratitude to God, believers watch inner peace. The World Community for Christian Meditation proclaims Meditation and imploreer is a practice that can bring peace, not except to individual meditators, but also to the whole world.A significant means in which Christianity guides adherents to visit inner peace is through the concept of dischargeness. Jesus of Nazareth taught his disciples to prayForgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (Matthew 612). Through the death of Jesus, forgiveness is available to the repentant sinner, allowing them to have peace with God which is the very foundation of in ner peace.Failure to forgive others leads to stored anger and resentment. The Protestant tradition places the emphasis on each person having the responsibility of speaking directly with God, who will grant absolution. It is the acceptance of the afford from God of forgiveness or wrongdoing which is the obtaining of inner peace for the Christian. Islam teaches that inner peace may just now be found through fill out submission to Gods will, which is primarily achieved by adherence to a prescribed set of guidelines for living. In remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction (Quran 1328). Acceptance of the will of Allah not only removes the worry and anxiety about the future, but concentrating on God can comfort humanity from being overwhelmed by all aspects of life such as greed and fear which destroy inner peace. Jihad is central to this life of submission. Greater Jihad is the concept relating to the ongoing struggle to make iself and ones community perfectly Muslim.It embo dies peace on a personal level, working through the individual and their role in the community.Inner peace is only possible when the Five Pillars are lived in faithful obedience to Gods will. Obligatory prayers, known as Salat, remind Muslims of Allahs niggardliness to them. The Quran states Perform the prayer for my remembrance (Quran 2040). Attention is drawn repeatedly to Allah, marginalizing earthly distraction in order to devote more amply to the divine. Sawm or fasting, reminds participants of those who do not have enough to eat or difficulty living. In being reminded on these things, Muslims are reminded to place also much importance on material goods. They are reminded to place their believe in God for provision of food, which can help them to achieve inner peace. Hajj involves the spiritual, mental and physical journey from ones average place of living to Makkah. In the midst of a million pilgrims, the individual Muslim experiences the inner peace of the Ummah.Sufism i s an Islamic theology that began to develop in the first century of Islam. Sufism stresses that the traveler on the spiritual path mustiness first abandon himself or herself to the will of God and then only will Gods peace enter their heart. A habitual Sufi proclamation is There will be no peace until there is inner peace. The Australian Centre for Sufism and Irfanic Studies offers courses in spiritual development and Sufi psychology that aim to bring people ambient to God and inner peace. One of the centres aims is to make people more aware that self-centeredness can be a bar to spiritual enlightenment.Therefore, the religious traditions of Christianity and Islam present several means in manoeuver the individual to achieve inner peace. It is through the belief systems, actions and thoughts of these religious traditions, that those individual adherents can learn how to achieve inner peace and develop an understanding of peace so that it may be enacted.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Hollywood main stream cinema’s treatment of gender in the 1980’s Essay

To what extent is Rambo First pipeline Part 2 typical of Hollywood mainstream movie theatres preaching of gender in the 1980s?Action use ups in the 1980s reflected the changes and hazards within Ameri hindquarters society. There had been a rise in feminism meaning that the masculine form and dominance was being undermined and light working class males did non know where their place was in society. It was likewise in the immediate judgment of conviction after the Vietnam War and confusion and evoke still lingered. The Vietnam War divided the the Statesn nation as a whole because, as it has been in recent ms with the state of contend in Iraq, people didnt fully understand why the States call for to impose their presence in a country where they felt they had nil to gain. The go through mental picture in the 1980s introduced a belligerent that tell masculinity and femininity using the form of the personate as a way of ensuring power, dominance and self- adore. Rambo First family Part 2 is a typical film of this era in terms of masculinity and the shipway in which men and women argon portrayed.In the film Rambo First Blood Part 2 Sylvester Stallone portrays a typical action hero of the war film genre in the 1980s only also an shipwreck survivor of society after the Vietnam War. He is a veteran of Vietnam and came home to cause that everything he had known had changed and he was no longer considered an honourable pass but more(prenominal) as a war criminal. Rambos accusation in this film is to go back to Vietnam and see if he can find a camp that he is told has servicemany POWs. If he finds the men, he can only take photographs but he has a problem with this and risks his own life to save them. He is very tough and muscular and is able to defeat the soldiers, Russian and Vietnamese, single handed. Douglas Kellner states that the filmFollows the conventions of the Hollywood genre of the war film, which dramatizes conflicts between the U nited States and its enemies and provides a clever ending that portrays the victory of good over horror. (Kellner, 1994, p.10)This means that America ever won no matter who the enemy was. In reality this is something that America could not accomplish. There was no happy ending and there were no immediate heroes. Rambo is allowed to bring glory upon America and diffuse a power that could have cost the American multitude even more respect and dignity. America had lost some of its power within the world and they strived to stick it back. It had lost its primary war and it had become important to remasculinize America. There was a growing fear of communism in the country and displaying male heroes which went against the communist regime was their idea of establishing the ideal through issue the world by a means of globalization.Globalization had been taking place throughout the history of photographic film by a means of film that was imported and exported to places around the world. In effect most of the action films set in Vietnam, and other films which accord a strong view of patriotism and heroism within America in the 1980s, can be seen as propaganda films against the rise of communism.The purpose, with or without the intimacy of the audience, was to get the idea across to a mass audience that communism was against the principles of the country. In Rambo the evil point of references are the Vietnamese and Russian soldiers and ironically, it turns out that the superlative threat to Rambo is not the Vietnamese, although they do pose a strong force, it is the Russians. The Russians are shown as being extremely strong, relentless, and resulting to put a man through torture to get what they want. Nevertheless, whatever the Russians do you cannot beat a man with as much physiologic and mental strength as Rambo. This adheres a pattern throughout action films in the 1980s. One film that is suggestive of this is Rocky 4.Rocky 4 (1985) also stars Sylve ster Stallone but this time he is a boxer. He is affairing against a strong Russian fighter named Ivan Drago. Drago is very tough and stands at over 6ft tall. The Russian bear on all stand behind their fighter but when the final fight is over and Rocky defeats him with all of his strength the Russians begin to show acquit for Rocky and boo their fighter. This is the film industrys way of evoking patriotism and the ever-growing fear of the communist regime after the Cold War. Philip L. Gianos states thatThe advent of Vietnam in film provided an opportunity for filmmakers who were denied an actual shooting war a parallel, renewal setting in which cold war themes could be played out. (Gianos. 1998, P.159)The first response from the film industry during this time was a set of anti-communist films to oppose to the changing policy-making environment. The villains are almost always portrayed as foreign internationals such as Russian, German, and sometimes English and they are common ly a communist operative. They are never American in these films because the hero is American. He is fighting for his country and if it were another American he is fighting against he is effectively fighting against America.Other action films that were released at that time include, The Terminator, Rocky, Predator, and Die Hard. Millions of people worldwide, mainly consisting of young males went to see these films at the cinema. They gave them a chance to latch on to big, muscular, violent men as cinematic heroes. (Katz, 1994, p134) These heroes gave the audience the chance to gain self-respect and security as it represented a masculinity that was unaffected by the rise of feminism.Gender roles had been change due to the growing rise of a feminist movement that showed women were more and more moving into the workplace rather than staying at home. The displaying of the male physique and the bodily torture it goes through to enable glory and victory over evil is further suggestiv e of masculinity in crisis and the gain of global respect. Women could not gain this kind of respect because they could not attain that degree of physical strength and endurance so hence this was one thing that they couldnt take away from men.The female role in the action film of the 1980s appears at first glance to be on enough footing with the male. However, there are some differences in the ways in which they go about their missions. In Rambo First Blood Part 2 the main female character, Co Bao, is strong, resourceful and a very suitable fighter. She is Rambos contact in Vietnam and later becomes his love interest. During the film she cautions Rambo to follow his orders and when she goes to save him from the Russians in the POW camp she uses a different technique than Rambo. While Rambo attacked her captor from behind and overpowered him she sneaked into the camp as a prostitute. Therefore the issue of strength and power is present in the male character but in the female chara cter it is more about subtlety and intelligence.Rambo is the definitive male of 80s cinema and was joined by characters such as John McLain (Die Hard) and Rocky Balboa (Rocky). In these films the main action centres around one hero and the female character is usually the love-interest or accomplice. In previous war/actions films and Vietnam films the veterans were seen as both psychopaths, such as Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, or tragic characters, give chase Hyde in Coming Home. In the films of the 1980s, however, the hero fights back.In Rambo Part 2 Rambo can be seen as an anti-hero because of his rebellious behaviour by way out against his orders to leave the POWs and by telling Murdock that he will come and get him when he gets back from the jungle. This makes his character more precarious and exciting to the audience as you dont know what he is going to do. He has many people after him in Vietnam but he also has enemies at home. He has to deal with home-grown discrimination because of the war and in effect he is no longer fighting for his country. He is doing it for the comrades that he fought withIn these films the enemy is not the enemy in a war that is officially over but rather the civilian and military leadership that failed to win the war (Gianos. 1998, p.166)After Co Bao is killed Rambo channels his emotions into retribution and thus becomes a fighting machine that is only out for revenge. sooner she was killed he was ready to leave after finding that Murdock sent him out just to get free of him and stem reports that there were POWs still in Vietnam.The style of the film helps to build the perception that he is a god and that he is invincible. The use of lighting and camera angles are utilize to enhance his physique and the fast paced editing in the action shots are used to show that he is fast, strong and practical in the ways he attacks his enemies. Rambo shows us the ideal, very well-built muscular body of the white male in a place where he appears to belong. Commonly used iconography for Vietnam films included dense jungle, camouflage equipment and hi-tech weaponry. He uses the jungle to an favor and appears to know it better than those who live there. He uses his initiative and intelligence in the jungle and is able to use it to gain the upper hand in a battle. One example of this is the scene in which he attacks a US soldier after he hides in a verify of mud with his eyes being the only thing visible.The male body in these films constructs the white man as physically superior, yet also an everyman, built to do the job of colonial world improvement (Dyer, 2002, p.269) The concomitant that the superior build of the heros body establishes him as an everyman means that it is something that any man can attain as long as you are white. Black men are rarely portrayed in this manner and if they are they are usually the villains of the movie and end up being defeated.In conclusion, the gender representation in the fi lm is an suit from the United States to fulfil the growing need of remasculinizing American society, in particularly, in the dominant white majority of the working class. With the rise of feminism, fear of communism, political scandals and the Vietnam War, it became imperative for America to try and rebuild the image of men in a positive light. Rather than focusing on men as a collective these films focused on one individual and therefore a view of machismo, strength and determination became the norm.The films of the 1980s became a kind of vessel of the ideal and most of these films are still ordinary in todays society and may still be what some men aspire to be. If you were like these men you were considered to be potent and if you werent you were understood to be weak and not the typical American male. The male hero in these films was put there to win. America essential a hero and they found him in these films. The masculine form was in crisis and the wholesomeness and fearles s heroes could make an impact on the male audience who would past seek to be like the characters they watched on screen.BibliographyGianos P.L (1998) Politics and Politicians in American Film, London, Greenwood PressDyer, R, (2002) The White Mans Muscles in Adams. R and Savran. D (eds) (2002) The Masculinity Studies Reader Oxford, Blackwell PublishersJeffords S. (1989) The Remasculinization of America Gender and the Vietnam War indiumpolis and Bloomington, Indiana University PressKellner D. and Katz. J (1994) in Dines G and Humez J.M (eds) (1994) Gender, Race and Class in Media London, Sage Publications

Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 13

I he next day, Gillian tried to concentrate on normal things.She hurried to school, feeling unrested-had she had nightmares?-and desperately in use up of distraction. alto apprehendher day at school, she threw herself into activities, chattering and laughing and keeping people round her,talking ab forth Christmas and parties and finals.It worked. Angel was rattling gentle, keeping quiet in the background. only the other students werehyperactive with the thought of only two to a greater extent days of school. And by the afternoon Gillian had becomecaught up in her under book frantic good spirits.We dont even book a tree, she said to David. And its cinque days to Christmas Eve. I have to drag mymom step forward and bargain for ane.Dont buy one, David said, smiling at her with his dark eyes. Ill take you out tonight to a place Ik at present. Its beautiful, and the trees are free. He winked.Ill bring the mail service wagon, Gillian said. Lots of direction. I like big trees .At home, she stayed busy, prodding her suffer to wrap packages and dust polish off the p abideic Christmasflower arrangements. in that respect was no talk with Angel about how to tell her mother about witches.She was bland happy when she picked David up after dinner. He real numberise outmed a little subdued, moreover she wasntin the mood to ask questions. Instead, she talked about the party Steffi Lockhart was giving on Fridaynight.It was a long drive, and she was running out of speculations about Steffis party when David in the end said,Somewhere along here, I think.Okay. Ill take one of those. Gillian pointed at the sixty-look-alike fern trees that line the road.David smiled. There are some handsomeer ones farther in.There were so many that Gillian had a hard time choosing. At net, she settled on a balsam fir with aperfect silhouette, like a hold up lady holding out her skirts. It was wonderfully aromatic as she and David chop up it down and half dragged, half carri ed it to the car.I tho make do that smell, she said. And I dont even care that my g chicanes are ruined.David didnt answer. He was quiet as he tied the back of the station wagon closed close to the tree. Hewas quiet as they got in the car and Gillian began to drive.And Gillian couldnt stand it anymore. Little waves of cutting were lapping in her stomach. Whats wrong?You havent been talking all night.Im sorry. He allow out his breath, looking out the window. I guess I was salutary thought process about Tanya.Gillian blinked. Tanya? Should I be jealous? He glanced at her. No, I mean-her arm. A strange sortof prickling cascaded over Gillian, and in that moment e trulything changed forever. She revealmed to askthe next question in a huge, quake stillness. What about her arm?You didnt collar? I thought somebody wouldve called you. They took her to the hospital this afternoon.Oh, my God.Yeah, but its worse. That thing they thought was a rash was necrotizing something-or-other you issue, that flesh-eating(prenominal) bacteria.Gillian receptive her mouth, but no sound came out. The road in front of her seemed very dim.Cory said she brush offt have any vi stupefyors-her arm swelled up to tercet times its normal size. They had to cutit unsolved all the way from her elevate to her finger to drain it. They think she tycoon lose her finger-Stop it A suppressed scream.David looked at her quickly. Im sorry-No Just dont talk Gillians automatic reflexes had interpreted over driving the car. She was hardly awareof anything outside her own body. All her concentration was fixed on the drama inside her own legal opinion.(Angel Did you hear that? What is sack on?)(Of course I heard it.) The character was disinclined and thoughtful.(Well, is it true? Is it?)(Look, lets talk about this later(prenominal), all right, kid? Lets wait-)(No Everything with you is Wait or Well talk about it later. I want to know right now is it true?)(Is what true?)(Is Tanya that s ick? Is she about to lose her finger?)(Its save an infection, Gillian. Streptococcus pyogenes. You were the one who put it thither.)(Youre saying it is true. Its true. I did it with my p freshet of ground. I gave her flesh-eating bacteria.) Gillian threw thethoughts out wildly, disjointedly. She couldnt certainly grasp what it all meant yet.(Gillian, we had to stop her from destroying David. It was necessary.)(No No You knew I didnt actually want to hurt her. What are you talking about? How can you even saythat?) Gillian was in ferocity again, a strange hysteria of the mind. She was vaguelyaware that she was still driving, that fences and trees were flying by. Her body was sitting in the car,breathing quickly, speeding, but her real self seemed to be in other place.(You lied to me. You told me she was all right. Why did you do that?)(Calm down, dragonfly-)(Dont call me that How can you honest- honourable sit there and non care? What kind of person are you?)And then-Angels a rticulation changed. He didnt get hysterical or agitated it was much worse. His soundbecame calmer. More melodious. Pleasant.(Im just dispensing justice. Its what angels do, you know.) Icy horror swept over Gillian.He sounded insane.Oh, God, she said, and she said it out loud. David looked at her.Hey-are you okay?She scarcely heard him. She was thinking with feve crimson intensity (I dont know what you are, but you arenot an angel.)(Gillian, hark to me. We dont have to fight. I love you-)( wherefore tell me how to fix Tanya)Silence.(Ill pay back out myself. Ill go back to Melusine-)(No)( then tell me Or heal Tanya yourself if youre a real angel)A pause. Then (Gillian, Ive got an idea. A way to make David love you more.)(What are you talking about?)(We need to give him a near-death experience. Then hell be able to truly come across you. We need tomake him die.)Everything blurred. Gillian knew they were nearing Somerset, they were on familiar streets. But for amoment her vision we nt completely blue-eyed(a) and sparkling.Gillian A hand was on hers, a real hand, steadying the wheel. atomic number 18 you all right? Do you want me todrive?Im okay. Her vision had cleared. She just precious to get home. She had to get to that shoe lash and fixthe spell on Tanya somehow. She had to get home to well(p)tyBut nowhere was safe.(Dont you understand?) The voice was soft and insidious in her ear. (David can never really be like youuntil hes died the way you have. We have to make him die-)No She agnize she was speaking aloud again. Stop talking to me Go extraneousDavid was gross(a) at her. Gillian-(I dont want to hurt you, Gillian. Only him. And hell come back, I promise. He might be a little different.But hell still love you.) Different Davids body. Angel wanted Davids body. As David left, Angel would take bullheadedness.They were almost home. But she couldnt getaway from the voice. How do you get away from something thats in your own mind? She couldnt shut itout . (Just let go, Gillian. Let me take over. Ill drive for you. I love you, Gillian.)No She was panting, her hands gripping the focal point wheel so hard it hurt. The word came out jerkily.David You have to drive. I cant-(Relax, Gillian. You wont be harmed. I promise.)And she couldnt let go of the steering wheel. The voice seemed to be inside her body, diffusing by means ofher muscles. She couldnt take her foot off the accelerator.Gillian, averse down David was yelling now. Look out(It will only take a second)Gillians population had been switched into an old-time movie. The flickering black-and- albumin kind. With to each one frame, the telephone pole in front of her got bigger and bigger. It was happening very slowly, but atthe same time with utter inevitability. They were rushing oh-so-slowly toward that pole, and they were handout to hit. On the right side of the car, where David was sitting.(No Ill hate you forever)She screamed it in her mind and the last word seemed to echo e ndlessly. There was time for that.And then there was a loud sound and darkness. Can I see him? non yet, honey. Her mother scooted the plastic chair closer to the emergency room bed. plausibly nottonight.But I have to.Gillian, hes unconscious. He wouldnt even know you were there.But I have to see him. Gillian mat the hysteria blow again, and she damped her mouth shut. Shedidnt want a shot, which is what the nurses had said they were going to give her when she started thigh-slapper earlier.She had been here for hours. Ever since the cars with the flashing lights came and pried the stationwagon door open and pulled her out. Theyd pulled David out, too. But while she had been completelyunhurt-A mirade non even a scratch the paramedic had said to her mother-David had beenunconscious. And had stayed that way ever since. The emergency room was cold and it didnt seem to matter how many heated blankets they wrappedaround her. Gillian kept shivering. Her hands were blue-white and pinched looking.Daddys coming home, her mother said, stroking her arm. Hes pickings the prototypical plane he could get.Youll see him tomorrow morning.Gillian shivered. Is this the same hospital- where Tanya Jun is? No, dont ask. I dont really want toknow. She stuck her hands under her armpits. Im so coldAnd alone. There was no soft voice hi her head. And that was good, because, God, the last thingshe wanted was Angel-or rather that thing, whatever it was, that monster that had called itself an angel.But it was strange after so long. To be all alone and not know where he might be lurking. He couldbe listening to her thoughts right nowIll get another blanket. The nurse had shown her mother the heated closet. If you could just lie down,honey, perhaps youd feel like sleeping a little.I cant sleep I have to go see David.Hon, I already told you. Youre not going to see him tonight.You said I might not get to see him. You didnt say I wouldnt You only said probably Gillians voicewas rising, acqui ring more shrill, and there was nothing she could do about it. The tears were coming, too, flood down uncontrollably. She was choking on them.A nurse came hurrying in, the white curtains around the bed swirling. Its all right its natural, she saidsoftly to Gillians mother. And to Gillian Now, just lean over a little-hold still. A little pinch. This issomething to help you relax.Gillian felt a sting at her hip. A short time later everything got blurry and the tears stopped.She woke up in her own bed. It was morning. Pale temperateness was shining full in the window. Last nightoh, yes. She could vaguely thinkher mom and Mrs. Beeler, their next-door neighbor, leading her from the hospital to Mrs.Beelers car. She remembered them taking her upstairs and undressing her and putting her to bed. later onthat shed had hours of wonderful not-thinking.And now she was awake and rested and her head was clear. She knew exactly what she had to do evenbefore she swung her legs out from under the covers.She glanced at the ancient curious clock on her nightstand and got a shock. Twelve thirty-five. Nowonder she was rested.Efficiently, without fashioning a sound, she put on Levis and a gray sweatshirt. No makeup. She ran acomb once through her hair.She paused, then, to listen. Not just to the house, but to herself. To the world inside her own brain.Dead quiet. Not a creature stirring. Not that that meant a thing, of course. Gillian knelt and pulled the shoe box out from under her bed. The wax dolls were garish, red and green,like a hideous parody of Christmas. Her first impulse at the sight of that poisonous green was to get rid ofit. Snap off one dolls hand and the others head.But what that would do to Tanya and Kim, she didnt want to think. Instead, she forced herself to get aQ-tip from the bathroom, soak it in water, and dab the iridescent green powderize away.She cried as she did it. She tried to concentrate as she had when shed done the spell, seeing the realTanyas han d, seeing it heal and become whole.Now may I be given the power of the words of Hecate, she whispered. It is not I who utter them, it isnot I who repeat them it is Hecate who utters them, it is she who repeats them.When the powder was off, she put the dolls back in the box. Then she blew her nose and rummagedthrough the pile on her desk until she found a small pink-flowered address book.She sat on the floor crosslegged, dragged the phone close, and thumbed through the book.There.Daryl Novaks cellular phone number.She dialed quickly and shut her eyes. Answer. Answer.Hello, a languid voice said.Her eyes flew open. Daryl, this is Gillian. I need you to do me an enormous favor, and I need you to doit now. And I cant even explain why-Gillian, are you okay? Everybodys been unhappy about you.Im fine, but I cant talk. I need you to go find Amy Nowick shes got-Gillian thought frantically-uh,honors chemistry this period. I need you to tell her to drive to the tree of Hazel and Applebutter S treetand wait for me there.You want her to leave school? pay now. Tell her I know its a lot to ask, but I need this. Its really important.She expected questions. But instead, all Daryl said was, earmark it to me. Ill find her. conveys, Daryl. Youre a lifesaver.Gillian hung up and found her ski jacket. Tucking the shoe box under her arm, she walked very quietlydownstairs.She could hear voices from the kitchen. A low voice-her dads. authority of her wanted to run to him.But what would her parents do if they saw her? Keep her safe and bundled up, keep her here. Theywouldnt understand what she had to do. There was no question of telling them the truth, of course. That would just get her another shot. And,eventually, maybe a visit to the mental hospital where her mother had stayed. Everyone would thinkdelusions ran in the family.She moved stealthily to the front door, quietly opened it, slipped out.Sometime during the night it had rained and then frozen. Ice hung like dewdrops from the twigs of the hickory tree in the yard.Gillian ducked her head and hurried down the street. She hoped no one was watching, but she had thefeeling of eyes staring from between bare branches and out of shadows.At the comer of Hazel and Applebutter she stood with her arms wrapped around the box, hopping alittle to keep warm.Its a lot to askIt was a lot to ask, especially considering the way shed treated Amy recently. And it was funny,considering all the new friends shed made, that it was Amy she turned to instinctively when she was introuble.But there was something solid and genuine and good in Amy. And Gillian knew that she would showup.The Geo swung around the corner and skidded to a stop. Typical Amy-without-glasses driving. ThenAmy was leap out, her side of meat turned anxiously toward Gillians. Her blue eyes were huge and seemed bright with tears.And then they were hugging and crying. Both of them.Im so sorry. Ive been so rotten this last week-But I was rotten to you before that -I feel awful. You have every right to be mad at me-Ever since I heard about the accident, Ive been so worried.Gillian pulled back. I cant stay. I dont have time. And I know how this sounds coming from somebodywho hit a pole last night but I need your car. For one thing, Ive got to go see David.Amy nodded, blotting her eyes. Say no more.I can drop you off at home-Its the wrong way. It wont hurt me to walk. I want to walk.Gillian almost laughed. The sight of Amy dabbing her face with her muffler and stamping her foot on theicy sidewalk, determined to walk, warmed her heart. She hugged her again, fast. Thank you. Ill never forget it. And Ill never be the terrible person Ive beento you again, at least-She broke off and got in the car. Shed been about to finish the sentence -at least, if I live through this.Because she wasnt at all sure that she would.But the first thing was to get to David.She had to see him with her own eyes. To make sure he was all right and that he was himself.She g unned the motor and set out for Houghton.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Executive and Managerial Planning for Bosch-Kazakhstan

Bosch Group is a global manufacturer of automotive and industrial technology, consumer goods and edifice technology (337). The Bosch Groups HR philosophical system is to promote the moral, visible and intellectual development of the people (337). The Bosch Group believes in higher inwardly the company rather than new hires from outside, therefore a lot of magazine is spent developing the talent Bosch already has. Bosch-Kazakhstan has four production sites in different rural locations (gasoline, Bosch-Rexroth, security systems and diesel motors). The board of management is requesting an EMP (Executive and managerial Planning) for Bosch-Kazakhstan.Staffing is crucial with Bosch-Kazakhstan as the diesel motor production is fast festering comp bed to the other three sites. Problems Bosch-Kazakhstan faces a number of staffing problems. The jade market is really small. Possible local candidates lack national and international experiences and current qualify Bosch employees find t he Kazakhstan sites unattractive due to a small domestic labor market for qualified managers and specialist. The main language spoken in Kazakhstan is Russian and it only has 2. 4 percent of Germans. All of the upper berth managers are expatriates (an employee functional away from his or her home country).Solutions With staffing problems, I think Bosch should have a placement of an additional expatriates by recruiting potential individuals in the MDP (Manager Development Plan) and the form (Junior Management Program) in Germany that are well aware of the Kazakhstan culture and determine and he or she is required to address both short-term and long staffing needs. Another solution could be the placement of Kazakhstan workers in both the MDP and mount programs for a shorter period of time and to provide a 6 to 12 months stay in Bosch Germany facility in order to acquire greater experience.Training courses should be implemented to further gain soil companionship and experience . Maybe having a Kazakhstan worker with a HR background or a native born worker who is capable of responding to the upper and fondness managerial level positions enroll in the JUMP and MDP programs or render hired in the company to further help Bosch find potential local candidates. Also having a pay for performance plan standardised additional bonus and incentives is another key factor of motivating employees to be more ordaining to take positions in Kazakhstan.Bosch should also seek its upper and middle managerial employees who at least have an outstanding background excelling in learning the language and be more willingly to adopt different cultures. Outcomes Bosch-Kazakhstan will fill higher management positions with qualified employees who are accustomed to the local culture and who will carry-on the Bosch Group mission. Local candidates will be trained for entry-level positions with the hopes of someday becoming a manager afterwards extensive training. The Bosch Group wi ll be true to their HR philosophy if these changes are implemented quickly.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

An Analysis of the Current Chinese Economy

Question 1 Was chinaware successful in implementing frugal reforms?The Chinese Economic Reform was no doubt a success as the economy of the republic continued to increase its plebeian National ingathering annually in the past decade. The various phases that elusive the scotch reform were in a circular course. It was composed of expansion, recantation and then consolidation after a campaign of political fudge factor had been undertaken (Hu). The drastic changes in the economic state of China can be attributed to certain reasons. But in a nut shell, the success of the economic reforms can be attributed to the Chinas policies which pushed the Chinese to bring come out and optimize their abilities and resources. It is the Chinas get outingness to accept foreign investors to have calling in their democracy.Question 2 What are the factors that affect the Chinese economic growth?The first specific reason would be the open portal policy. The open door policy allowed and welcomed foreign investors and endorsed foreign investment funds and great deal. This identical policy has provided skills training, capital, and latest technology, among others to the Chinese people. It also gave much employment opportunities for the Chinese (Finkelstein and Gunness). On the other hand, it also brought competition in the local market. Fortunately, these national competitions has caused the workers and local personal line of creditmen to become efficient and pushed to manufacture quality products and consumers.In addition, the Chinas decision to join the human race Trade ecesis provided wider opportunities for the Republic. The negative effects of the foreign competition that could be brought to the countrys economy were controlled by imposing gradual reduction of import Tariffs. World Trade Organization or WTO is an international organization which plans and implements economic and trade policies among its member nations. Its main aim is to make sure that there will b e a smooth flow of trade as freely as it can be.Question 3 What is the role of the Chinese communistic Government in this economic reform?At present, China promotes superiority of local officials and even the plant managers, in the field of agriculture (Mann). That outline allowed small businesses to have greater varieties of their products and even change magnitude the trade and investment from non-state members or foreigners.Since the economic reforms were implemented, the economy of China has drastically boomed. It has substantially gravid faster as compared to the time when the reform was not yet implemented.For example, in 2004, there was an original measurement of 9.5 part Gross Domestic Product Growth but revising the figure would mean 10.1 percent pace of the gross domestic product. More so, the average yearly GDP of China has grown to 9.6 percent between 1979 and 2005.The statistics only implies that every year, China, has manifested growth in its economy. The producti on has increased which means the national income would also bloat of its amount. The increase in GDP would also mean more employment opportunities among Chinese and more business ventures for the businessmen, even the small-scale ones (Curley and Thomas).The rapid economic growth of China is cost note taking. The socialist market economy could be an answer to the capacious before economic problems of the third world countries. Who would have thought that the Chinese Economic Reform would drastically change the economy of China? The apprehension of economic development is not a utopian one. A country could always has its economic leap if it is open to the changes it entails, just like what China dideven by bit by bit.ReferenceCurley, Melissa, and Nicholas Thomas. Advancing eastside Asian Regionalism. Politics in Asia Series. London New York Routledge, 2007.Finkelstein, David Michael, and Kristen Gunness. Civil-Military Relations in Todays China Swimming in a New Sea. Armonk, N. Y. M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2007.Hu, Angang. Economic and tender Transformation in China Challenges and Opportunities. London New York Routledge, 2007.Mann, Jim. The China fantasise How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression. New York Viking, 2007.  

Opinion on E-Tolls Essay

A democracy is a giving medication by the people and when the people are non universe led, just they are universe forced, then at that place are many a nonher(prenominal) questions about the democratic governance that need to be soliciting and retorting. The e-Toll schema is an electronic tolling system that does not require motorists to stop in order for them to be billed, just as an ordinary toll booth. This system is being oblige on to the motorists of Gauteng and is being masked as a method of face lifting funds for the development of Gauteng roads and ultimately, to the south African roads. The imposing of this system is unionly out of the scope of a democracy it is a ample waste of r hithertoue payers money and should be totally abolished by the South African government.Several e-tolls are found on various highways in Gauteng and how they work is once you drive under them, it scans your e-tag and license plates (at the front and back), takes an gossamer view of your car, measures the size of it (in order to know how much to bill you), feels whos registered to the vehicle and then they are billed electronically. As fancy as it sounds, vehicle users in Gauteng are on the brink of daylight looting with the new e-toll system that is about to be imposed on them by SANRAL (South African Road Agency Ltd.), and if nothing is done, the country pass on find itself being dragged by the neck in a so-called democracy.The stolon issue that comes into play with the e-toll system is the financial issue of e-tolls. SANRAL accumulated a debt in excess of 20 billion rands over the past a couple of(prenominal) years with the renovations of the Gauteng highways. The government believes that this debt can be covered over some(prenominal) years by implementing the user-pay principle which is simply road users paying to be on the roads. Two issues sprout from this. The first, OUTA has done some calculations on the total cost of repaying the debt over those 20 years and instead of the 20 billion rand owed, you find that with the e-toll, Gauteng motorists leave alone be paying, an excess of 75 billion rands. The government is yet to explain why they are charging users a whole serving more than what they need to be repaying. This is a huge waste of tax payers money as there are already fuel levies being paid to help aid the construction of South African roads. The second, Austrian company Kapsch, will be collecting a total of 665 meg rand annually for the next 8 years, giving a feeling of orphicinvestors prospering rather than the benefit of the people.Government argues that this large income of money from e-Tolls will benefit the working and the poor class because they will not corroborate to pay and they tie the assurance of safer roads without having to pay. This all seems well but what government forgot to mention is the fact that with the increase in road usage, there will definitely be an increase in the cost of living. tru ckage companies that deliver the cheap goods to local supermarket will increase their price of feat which will increase the price of goods which will surely impact their pockets. This does not just limit itself to the delivery of goods. E-tolls do not cook as many benefits as first anticipated because the money spent is for the roads and you find that public transport in South Africa is still in a shocking state and many users will still get in vehicles that are not road-worthy and that will not benefit them even if the roads are better.South African, especially Gauteng, road users already have a big issue with the payment of traffic fines. The e-toll system will find that people will fail to pay their bills as in the case of Portugal. A country as developed as Portugal had a total of 19% of users failing to pay their fees and that saw more than a double-increase in the costs of administration in the short space of a year. South Africa, as a developing country, will have themselve s a large handful of people who will not pay for their fees. The government will have themselves too much to deal with and will lay the burden on the shoulders of the road users again and the cycle will not end.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Literary Essay Essay

Nothing says adventure like running absent from villains and getting shot at to start a career as a spy. Though many towns raft of Cumberland in Geoffrey Treases Cue for perfidy think pecker Brownrigg is the outmatch of the best, it is clear that not many nation inherit the qualities to become a full spy. Katherine Russel is an exception. fit out is courageous and secretive, and therefor is the best spy in Cumberland. To begin, courage is one Kits most middleman char displaceeristics. Although it is sightn through disclose the carry on many occasions, by a friction match characters, it tells us that she is a brave person.One example of this was when the miners tried to break the road so they could rob the two, but they failed. This happened because kit was subject to be courageous affectively, at the right time. So she rode back. Heroine or idiot? I didnt know. Im flattered to know that, for the moment, she was thinking more of my destine (Trease 253) said Peter Brownri gg after Kit turned to save him. Katherine was competent to get away on her horse when peter was un sufficient to. Katherine was be very courageous risking her own life for that of her friends when faced with a heartbreaking situation.When Mr. Desmond fell into a river with his horse Katherine was one of the first people to rise up in and save him. As peter said himself She swam like an otter, and I saw at once that I neednt fear for her anymore, than myself (90). jumping into a river to save someone who is injured must be the biggest act of courage and bravery. Again she risks her life for that of someone elses and returns unscathed. She also risked show her secret when she changed from her wet clothes.The last heyday would be when Kit manages to assure out Mr. Armthwaite is actually a friend of Sir Philip Morten. Courage is shown here when she threatens him and jumps out of a window with Peter. If you touch that bell cord said Kit youll get something that will upset yo u still more (229). Mr. Armthwaite is left dumbstricken that she found this out. The courage is shown here when she finds it in herself to pull out her crap-shooter and start accusing Mr. Armthwaite of beingness on Cahoots with Sir Philip Morten. These are the parts of the keep that show she is courageous which is as to why she is the best spy in Cumberland.Next, Kit shows how she is very secretive and protective most her life and about how many things people know about her. The main secret she is retentiveness from everyone is that she is a girl. She does not relize it but all the other child actors, at the time, were angry because she did not participate in any of their games or activities that would show her true identity. Kit showed no special interest in me or anyone else, for he lived a strange aloof existence (75) said Peter when he was discovering and questioning who kit was Who was Kit Kirkstone? (74).This is an important part of the obligate because it gives Peter an idea that he is actually a she. It also shows that she was able to keep her secret for that long already. Another good way she was being secretive was the way she never told anyone bout Sir Philip Morton or what he was overtaking to do to her. This was shown when Kit spills the beans on her past life including the arranged espousal with Sir Philip I pity the man who marries you against your will (114) chuckled Shakespeare. The way the other characters move when this is told is surprisingly believable (shocked and surprised).This is so because Sir Philip Morton is also the man chasing peter. Katherine was also able to keep this a secret till this part of the book. The Last point would be when Kit tells Mr. Desmond she is actually a boy. Mr. Desmond is one of the many people who believed this throughout most of the book. After giving Mr. Desmond a fake name, Katherine is allowed into the actors radical after showing some talent Kirkstone will pass sighed Desmond. This is shows how good she is at lying.Kit had no choice to lie to Mr. Desmond because he would pay back not let her act if she found out she was a girl. Mr. Desmond would sacrifice put her on backstage with his wife Mrs. Desmond. Considering all the points that were shown throughout the book on Kits secrecy and true identity, its safe to say that she is the best spy in Cumberland. In conclusion, courageous and secretive are hardly two of the many words to describe Katherine Russel, which shows she is the best spy in Cumberland. Through the acts and demonstrations given by Katherine Russel, it is obvious she should continue down the course of instruction that she has chosen, but when shown again, is the life of a spy an appropriate one? grab for a twelve year old girl?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Central Dogma

The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology was founded by Francis Crick in 1958. A central dogma of biology provides an story as to how gene expression occurs. The central dogma is the main dissertation of molecular inheritance. It states that desoxyribonucleic acid makes ribonucleic acid, which makes protein. Genes control the traits by controlling which proteins are made. The functioning of Central Dogma of Molecular Biology is when desoxyribonucleic acid transcripts into ribonucleic acid and thusly translates into protein. agreement is the transfer of genetic training from DNA forming into ribonucleic acid.The differences between DNA and ribonucleic acid are the sugar thats in DNA which is called deoxyribose and ribose for RNA which does not have sugar. When DNA replication begins, it begins at a special point in the DNA blood corpuscle called the origin of replication site. The enzyme helicase unwinds and separates a portion of the DNA molecule. by and by the DNA polymerase s eparates a portion of the molecule it then initiates the knead of replication in which DNA polymerase can add together new nucleotides to a pre-existing chain of nucleotides.Therefore, replication begins as an enzyme called primase and it assembles an RNA primer at the origin of the replication site. The RNA primer consists of a sequence of RNA nucleotides, complementary to a section of the DNA rim that is being prepared for replication. The RNA primer is then removed and replaced with a sequence of DNA nucleotides. Then Okazaki fragments are synthesized and the RNA primers are replaced with DNA nucleotides and the individual Okzaki fragments are bonded together into a continuous complementary beach.During agreement deoxyribose nucleic acid is formed into another nucleic acid which is ribonucleic acid or RNA. Transcription begins when RNA polymerase binds onto the double stranded DNA molecule. RNA polymerase moves along the strand of DNA reservation a complementary single stra nded RNA molecule. Heres a good thing you could remember, take the foot word scribe break through of transcription and think of it was a person who writes copies of important documents because that is what scribe means.Next is translation, it is the process of using the code in RNA to put together the protein and translation is a word that describes the transfer of information from one to another. Translation begins when messenger RNA binds to the ribosome. The RNA passes along the ribosome and brings out 3 nucleotides at a time. While thats happening the amino acid that is being carried is similarly being transferred to the amino acid chain. After that is done the ribosomal complex falls apart and the protein is released into a cell.During protein synthesis, amino acids fortify a protein molecule thats, of course, called protein synthesis. Synthesis means putting together, so that is a good way to remember protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the cellular process of buildi ng proteins. Translation has a part of the central dogma that is also included in protein synthesis and transcription is not. Translation is just the decipherment of RNA to make a chain of amino acids that will then, later, ferment into protein. Overall in central dogma, DNA is simply the instructions to making proteins.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Six Steps to Learning How to Overcome Challenges in Your Life

There are six tone of voices to learning how to overcome scraps in your modality. Each of these qualitys identifying the challenge or line of work, defining the challenge or puzzle, analyzing the cause of the challenge or problem, exploring solutions to the challenge or problem, decision making to sour the challenge or problem, and winning action to overcome the challenge or problem will require your total inculpatement (Pokras, 1989). While no one is an expert on your particular challenge, there are strategies that give the bounce be used as scratchs to help you overcome these challenges. The first tool involves identifying the challenge.Successfully overcoming challenges require k straighting exactly what the challenge involves. Many propagation when we first encounter a challenge we feel threatened and fight defensively before knowing what we are up against. When we touchstone patronise from the problem or challenge and take time to examine it we retrieve the pro blem has other contri exclusivelying factors that were not clearly in counsel in the give awayset. During this phase take time to collect data close your problem or challenge such as when it began, what were the symptoms that a problem existed, and how long has this been going on (Pokras, 1989).Upon identifying the factors or underlying causes of the problem you fuck then move onto note two defining the challenge. In this step it is a good idea to write toss off the possible causes for the challenge that you are now facing. This will require analyzing the data you have collected, sentiment about what this data means, deciding what it is you compulsion and what you do not want, and narrowing down the challenge or problem to single points of causation (Pokras, 1989). at one time you have narrowed the scope of the challenge or problem down to a manageable level you are now manipulate for step three-analyzing the cause of the problem.Really what takes place in step three is t aking the time to analyze actions that were taken that resulted in there being a challenge or problem that you are now facing. This is dejection be accomplished by doing some type of cause and effect draw that will give you the ability to visually comprehend what followed. Usually when we can clearly see where we went wrong we have that aha moment. Now that you have identified, defined, and canvas the challenge or problem, what do you do now?Here is where the literal work dispirits because many people can tell you what their problem is but they have a hard time doing something to change their situation. Step quartet requires you to founder a decision to do something by exploring possible solutions to the challenge. Niven (2005) send word developing a strategy or contrive that allows you to decide what you compulsion to change to overcome the challenge or the problem. This step is an important step because it takes a longing to succeed to overcome the challenge or problem and no one can instill in you the desire to change.This desire must come from within but will not happen until you make up in your mind what you want out of life, how you want your life to be, what you need to survive, and what it is you need to change to overcome your challenge or problem. Making the decision that you must change and that you have the power to make that change is difficult but can be the most honour thing you can do. In step five you will utter that after the decision is made that you want to change you can now actually decide to solve your problem.This step will require deciding on your criteria for success, deciding what your goals will be, establishing priorities, defining objectives, and taking responsibility for ameliorate your own life (Cohen, Jacobs, Quintessenza, Chai, and Ungerleider, 2007). The most important tool in this step is writing an action plan including the aforementioned elements along with your vision for your life, your military mission i n life, and your personal philosophy or strategy for living your life (Niven, 2005). This plan must be written in a manner that allows you to measure your progress toward overcoming your challenge or problem.Part of your plan, for example, may involve getting a mentor, a person to serve as a role model, or setting up a support administration (Cohen et al, 2007) by a certain date to fully implement your plan. at once you have established your plan you are ready to move onto the last-place step. The last step to overcoming challenges involves taking action . Implementation of your action plan will be the most critical part of you being prospered in overcoming your challenge. This will require your total commitment, dedication, involvement and perseverance to master success. You ust remember that the best laid plans will not solve your problems if you do not do something to put them into motion, prepare yourself to deal with the unexpected, and be ready to make the little changes necessary to your plan to reach your goals. If you carry out the six steps of identifying the challenge or problem, defining the problem, analyzing the cause of the problem, exploring solutions to the problem, deciding to solve the problem, and taking action to overcome the problem (Pokras, 1989) you will begin to make progress to overcoming your challenges.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Engage the Mind miour brainpower is the scene of the crime, was the tagline for Christopher Nolans pedigree, a claim that came out the summer of 2010. Inception was an original ingest by the man that brought audiences the acclaimed Batman trilogy. The film was given a 160 million dollar budget and the premise was questionable, a photograph about dreams and reality. The stakes were high as the film could either be a summer blockbuster or a flop.Not only did the film manage to captivate its audiences, it earned more than 00 million dollars in the US alone. It was critically acclaimed and till this day Inception will be remembered as the dream, within a dream, within a dream, a complex film for intellectual and action moviegoers. Inception will stand the test of quantify for many years to come due to its ability to engage those who externalize it with its complex plot and its questionable ending. The audience is left to guess if the main(prenominal) character was left in a dream or if it rightfully is eality.In an era full of mindless action films, a movie similar Inception makes the brain follow the characters, the plot, and the conflict with close detail. If you happen to play away for a few minutes the chances of understanding the film atomic number 18 minimal. But if you happen to pay close attention, you wont be disappointed. With the help of a stellar cast and amazing visuals and excellent celluloidtography, Inception is the definition of cinema at its finest.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Commemorative Speech

Today, Im departure to consecrate you why Im proud to share the taradiddle of the Soccer bunch and the cut of the beautiful stake. Ill. Most of you are acquainted(predicate) with the proud heritage that the game of soccer has grown to be not only in our sylvan, tho around the world. V. Today, I am going to commemorate the Soccer B tout ensemble and the love for the beautiful game of Soccer. I want to share with in all of you virtually our proud history and heritage, and demonstrate personally what working and brio with you guys has meant to me these past three years. Tran positionion First, I would like to share with you the awesome history of the game of Soccer. ) Body l. finished out history, humans corroborate enjoyed quetching a thud or something like a world. A. harmonize to historical references and legends, early balls ranged from human heads, wildcat or human skulls, to tool bladders. B. It wasnt until 1855, when Charles Goodyear designed and built the fi rst prophylactic soccer ball. C. Since then, every quaternity years a new ball is designed specially for the manhood Cup. II. B.Due to their specialized training, the workforce of 2nd forest fire fighter camp were chosen to pay operations on June 6, 1944 during the aggression of Normandy. ll. The Invasion of Normandy is arguably one of the to the highest degree famous and greatest feats the men f 2nd commando Battalion gained notoriety for. A. During the Invasion of Normandy, the 2nd Ranger Battalion was split in cardinal and sent on two different missions. Ill. One of these groups was discharge to Omaha B separately. attempt to completed the mission their country asked of them. B.They faced heavy gun fire, mortar attacks, and heavy casualties as they ran up the b distri furtherively to subdue the German bunkers. IV. The other group of men were tasked with grading the cliffs of Point Du Hoc to destroy 1 55 mm guns. A. These men measure cliffs using grappling meat hook s and rope ladders while gunfire and mountain grenades rained over them. B. Once these men reached the top of the cliffs, they held their position for two age against heavy German retort attacks while only a third of them were left standing at the end mum able to fght. V.Both of these instances get through presumption to the organization. A. These men stared demolition in the face and fought against it for the greater good. B. disdain being heavily overwhelmed with the betting odds stacked against them, these Rangers used their training, ingenuity, and courage to complete the mission. (Transition When I think about the history I ingest upright discussed and look at all of you tanding here, I see the said(prenominal) attribute of man in bearing end of me that I necessitate Just set forth to you. ) l. Since I can remember, I have pick uped a soccer ball being kicked around.A. Every Sunday, I would wake up and soccer would be on TV. I would sit by my dad and watch the g ames with him. B. in that respect were times when we would go and kick the ball around instead of observation it on TV. C. This was our father daughter time and I loved it. D. point now, being far from my father, we still bond through soccer whether it be talking about games or when I come home and bid go watch a game. E. It is a ymbolic figure and representation to the ruff nations in the world 1. No other romping event has the same impact as the dry land Cup.Entire countries grind to a halt to watch games. 2. Even those who arent fans can and should advise that the World Cup is far more(prenominal) than a mere competition. During the undermentioned year, hundreds of millions of people will celebrate a shared passion and, because of it, perhaps fret a little slight over the things that drive them apart. That is a beautiful and all-too-rare thing. Even if we dont speak each others languages, dont always appreciate and espect each others cultures, religions, politics and lifestyle choices, Goal is a word that resonates Joyfully and is dumb from Beijing to Bogota, Sydney to Seattle. No other sport speaks to so many. The games cross-border, cross-culture, cross- division universality is what makes the World Cup so special, a celebration not of 22 players on a pitch only when of all who watch them. F. In the end, all I can judge is that you all hold my deepest and most(prenominal) sincere admiration. (Transition I feel pride not only because I am part of an organization with such(prenominal) an enduring and proud history, but because of the men standing in front of me right Conclusion 1 .The World Cup is an event make full with personal stories, national pride, and burden wrenching moments, and next year in Brazil will be no different. Although these have been the hardest and most inadequate times of my life, I wouldnt transplant it for anything. A. To be be part of such a proud organization, and to have spent this time with you guys is irrep laceable. B. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve in 2nd Ranger Battalion and to have served next to the finest and bravest people I have ever met in my life. C. convey you for the memories. II. Rangers Lead The Way commemorating SpeechToday, Im going to tell you why Im proud to share the history of the Soccer Ball and the love of the beautiful game. Ill. Most of you are familiar with the proud heritage that the game of soccer has grown to be not only in our country, but around the world. V. Today, I am going to commemorate the Soccer Ball and the love for the beautiful game of Soccer. I want to share with all of you about our proud history and heritage, and discuss personally what working and living with you guys has meant to me these past three years. Transition First, I would like to share with you the amazing history of the game of Soccer. ) Body l. Through out history, humans have enjoyed kicking a ball or something like a ball. A. According to historical references a nd legends, early balls ranged from human heads, animal or human skulls, to animal bladders. B. It wasnt until 1855, when Charles Goodyear designed and built the first rubber soccer ball. C. Since then, every four years a new ball is designed specially for the World Cup. II. B.Due to their specialized training, the men of 2nd Ranger Battalion were chosen to conduct operations on June 6, 1944 during the Invasion of Normandy. ll. The Invasion of Normandy is arguably one of the most famous and greatest feats the men f 2nd Ranger Battalion gained notoriety for. A. During the Invasion of Normandy, the 2nd Ranger Battalion was split in two and sent on two different missions. Ill. One of these groups was send to Omaha Beach. attempt to complete the mission their country asked of them. B.They faced heavy gun fire, mortar attacks, and heavy casualties as they ran up the beach to subdue the German bunkers. IV. The other group of men were tasked with scaling the cliffs of Point Du Hoc to destr oy 1 55 mm guns. A. These men scaled cliffs using grappling hooks and rope ladders while gunfire and hand grenades rained over them. B. Once these men reached the top of the cliffs, they held their position for two days against heavy German counter attacks while only a third of them were left standing at the end still able to fght. V.Both of these instances give pride to the organization. A. These men stared death in the face and fought against it for the greater good. B. Despite being heavily overwhelmed with the odds stacked against them, these Rangers used their training, ingenuity, and courage to complete the mission. (Transition When I think about the history I have Just discussed and look at all of you tanding here, I see the same type of man in front of me that I have Just described to you. ) l. Since I can remember, I have watched a soccer ball being kicked around.A. Every Sunday, I would wake up and soccer would be on TV. I would sit by my dad and watch the games with him. B. There were times when we would go and kick the ball around instead of watching it on TV. C. This was our father daughter time and I loved it. D. Even now, being far from my father, we still bond through soccer whether it be talking about games or when I come home and visit go watch a game. E. It is a ymbolic figure and representation to the best nations in the world 1. No other sporting event has the same impact as the World Cup.Entire countries grind to a halt to watch games. 2. Even those who arent fans can and should appreciate that the World Cup is far more than a mere competition. During the next year, hundreds of millions of people will celebrate a shared passion and, because of it, perhaps fret a little less over the things that drive them apart. That is a beautiful and all-too-rare thing. Even if we dont speak each others languages, dont always appreciate and espect each others cultures, religions, politics and lifestyle choices, Goal is a word that resonates Joyfully and is understood from Beijing to Bogota, Sydney to Seattle. No other sport speaks to so many. The games cross-border, cross-culture, cross- division universality is what makes the World Cup so special, a celebration not of 22 players on a pitch but of all who watch them. F. In the end, all I can say is that you all hold my deepest and most sincere admiration. (Transition I feel pride not only because I am part of an organization with such an enduring and proud history, but because of the men standing in front of me right Conclusion 1 .The World Cup is an event filled with personal stories, national pride, and heart wrenching moments, and next year in Brazil will be no different. Although these have been the hardest and most miserable times of my life, I wouldnt change it for anything. A. To be be part of such a proud organization, and to have spent this time with you guys is irreplaceable. B. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve in 2nd Ranger Battalion and to have served next to the finest and bravest people I have ever met in my life. C. Thank you for the memories. II. Rangers Lead The Way

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Outline the Roman Empire’s attitude to Christianity Essay

Q Outline the ro worldly concern letters Empires attitude to Christianity until the check of the first century.The Christian church building from its issue crop has faced many challenges as a result of external influences one of the most key of these influences was the persecution of the Christian people by the Roman Empire. From the twelvemonth 64AD onwards the church was persecuted by the Roman authorities in an intermittent and sporadic manner, not on account of their beliefs, but was a result of chance and circumstance. Christianity was born come on of Judaism and appeared as an entity after the death of Christ. Of course Jews of the time felt exist by the emergence of Christianity as a faith, and so the earliest persecutions of Christians occurred at the hands of Judaic Sadducees, who branded Christians blasphemous.Indeed it is clear that the Jews compete a part in persecution of Christians as late on as AD156 in the persecution of Polycarp. The persecution of Christians in the first century by Jews however were token(prenominal) in comparison to the frequently more widespread and systematic persecutions by the Roman authorities from the year AD64 onwards. Before this date Christians were accepted as a national sect of Judaism, and therefrom they enjoyed the status of religio licita- a lawful or tolerated faith. The Roman Empire even protected many Christians against Jewish attack in the early years. This all changed however in the year 64AD, during the reign of the emperor Nero.See more 5 paragraph shew format 64AD was by general concurrence of early Christians, the beginning of empurpled repression of Christianity. This accompaniment was supported by early Christian writers such as Tertullian, Eusebius and Sulpicus Severus. This date coincides with the fire of Rome, a devastating blaze which destroyed well-nigh half of the city.The pagan writer Tacitus reports to us in 115 of the fact that Despite Neros efforts the accusation that the fire was ordered could not be quashed. The mounting suspicion had a disastrous effect on Neros popularity (which had been very high before then), so Nero set ab break through probing for a scapegoat. Christians were perfect candidates for a number of reasons they were a relatively unfermented group that were small in number and there was already an business of suspicion surrounding allegations of anti social behaviour. However the actual mess may have been more complex than will never be understood by ourselves, as banks points outThe reasons behind the persecution of Christians included religious,political and social factors which were so inter-related and inter-dependantthat it would be historically misleading to separate them out as isolatedissues. at that place are however some other(a) opposing views on the exact circumstances of the fire of Rome. Critics such as Frend have argued that it is possible that Nero originally put blame on the Jewish society, who in turn blamed Chr istianity. Yet other critics have as well as suggested that the fire may well have been started by Christian extremists, nauseous to fulfil apocalyptic prophecies.The first persecuted Christians were charged with arson and as Tacitus tells us, huge in number, this charge apparently changed to a charge of hatred for the military man race. This in itself indicates the immense suspicion of the Roman population towards Christianity and the readiness of Roman authorities to exploit this. Wand indicates to us the defer of Roman perceptions of Christianity after Neros reignBy the end of the reign of Nero the state had settled down to an attitude ofsuspicion towards the church.The persecutions themselves were reported to be forbidding and perverse in nature by Tacitus among others. They were deliberately devised to create frolic for the public as well as humiliate the incumbent. Accounts included victims cosmos covered with the hides of dogs and beasts and set upon by dogs, being c rucified and being used as streetlights to illuminate the darkness. Even Tacitus the most ardent of anti Christian writers, could not help but feel pity for them.There is much dispute over the impact that Neros persecution had on the Christian church. slightly feel that it represents the beginning of Christianitys status as an illegal religion, and that it set the motive for a further 2 centuries of imperial persecution. What is certain is that the church lost many of its influential early leaders during Neros reign, including St diaphysis and St Paul as reported by Eusebius. Some commentators believe that without the books of early evangelists, the Christian faith may have disappeared altogether. After Neros removal from office there was a period of considerable civic unrest within the Roman Empire, and therefore Christians were not seen as an important priority.It was not until the reign of Domitian that persecution of Christians began in earnest. This time though the persecut ions were different in nature in that he did not search out the Christian community as a group but sought out individuals by stealth. Domitian is described by Bernard asA jealous man who went in fear of his life. He kept power(like Stalin in Russia) by a series of sudden blows againstthose who he felt were plotting against him.There is render to suggest during the end of his reign Domitian began to fervently persecute the Christian community as a whole. Showing the mans deep paranoia and distorted frame of mind. The ancient writer Suetonius writes of the Gladiator Glabrio who was executed by Domitian on Christian charges, although the rattling reason was the Emperors apparent jealousy of his abilities, underlining the unstable nature of Domitians personality.It is widely regarded by many critics such as Banks that a possible start of conflict between Domitian and the Christian church was his enthusiasm for the imperial cult, and therefore he persecuted them because of their refu sal to accord him divine honours. However it still remains in dispute whether Domitian persecuted Christians at all. The early church writer Dio Cassius, wrote from Bythinia, a toilsome Christian province and yet he never mentions any of Domitians victims as Christians. Furthermore, Pliny, a lawyer working in Rome at the time of Domitians reign tells Trajan many years later that he had never been involved in a Christian trial. This indicates at least(prenominal) that Domitians persecution was not exactly widespread or for reaching, if it existed at all.There is little doubt of the immense impact the early persecutions had on the gain of the Christian church. While some argue that it has helped the church in its growth, others affirm that it has actually hindered the churches growth. Tertullian observes the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. I believe that because of the bound nature of early persecutions they did not seriously slow down the refinement of Christian ity. What is certain though is that the persecutions at the hands of Nero and Domitian set a precedent for future Christian persecution.

Biology By2 Revision

Parasitic Nutrition 21 whitethorn 2011 1043 = organisms that live on or in a nonher organism arresting nourishment at the expense of the host and causing harm.Gut sponger (Taenia solium) = tapeworm Primary host = human (eat uncooked infected pork) alternate host = pig (drainage channels contaminated by human faeces) Adaptations Suckers &038 hookers (attachment) remains covering (immune responses) Thick copeicle (inhibitory substances = enzymes) Simple dead consistence sy kiboshs (reproduction) Very frail &038 enormous grow area ( nourishment for thought absent-minded over whole body scratch = diffusion) anthropoid &038 female person sex variety meat ( goats rue can exactly accommodate 1 tapeworm) Number of fruitcakes produced (increase chance of survival) nuts watch resistant shells (survive until eaten) Dormant embryos can form cysts in organs victimize surrounding tissue BY2 revision varlet 1 Adaptions to contrary live onts 21 May 2011 1053 Reptiles &0 38 Amphibians = swallow food whole Mammals = cut up and chew (palate separates nasal cavity &038 mouth kept in mouth longer) Carnivore = short gut (easily digest protein) Herbivore = long gut (plant digestion difficult) dentition windup(prenominal) digestion = easier to swallow &038 increases surface area for enzyme action Herbivore Incisors Canines Lower jaw, cuts against sexy pad (upper jaw) Indistinguishable from incisors Carnivore Sharp (tear flesh from bone) Large, curved, pointed = seizing prey, killing &038 divide flesh Carnassial (slide past each other = garden shears) molars = film editing/ dumbfounding) Vertical (open wide to capture &038 kill prey) Not horizontal (dislocation) nark muscles = tumefy weared/powerful (grip firmly on prey/crush bones) Cheek teeth Interlock. (W into M) Worn down = sharp enamel ridges (efficiency). heart-to-heart roots (grinding) Jaw movement Other Circular grinding.Horizontal matte Diastema = gap amidst front &038 side teeth. Tong ue moves cut passel to grinding surfaces (cheek teeth) Ruminants Produce most protein eaten by humans eg. Cows/sheep symbiosis/Symbiosis = close association mingled with members of 2 species, both arrive virtually benefit from the human relationship. Cant digest cellulose (no cellulose enzymes) Cellulose-digesting bacterium live in gut of cow Separated = food left long enough for digestion, bacterium isolated (optimum pH &038 particular(a)(a)izes) Cellulose digestion Grass chopped (teeth), saliva, cud formed, swallowed 1st conduct = cellulose digesting bacteria (glucose = fermented entire acids into declension.Waste = co2 &038 methane Cud into next region, regurgitated &038 chewed again 3rd stomach = water absorption 4th stomach (normal stomach) = protein digestion vitiated intestine = absorption Rumen = greater variety of mutualistic organisms than in cecum to a greater extent efficient = more complete eruptdown of cellulose Bacteria = quotation of prote in when dead BY2 revision scallywag 2 Digestion 21 May 2011 1135 = the break down of large in dissoluble molecules into smaller soluble molecules. Physical &038 chemical. feed passes through nutrient canal where it is digested &038 absorbed into the body. digestive enzymes = hydrolases (catalyse hydrolysis of substrate addition of water) Carbohydrates (polysaccharides) disaccharides monosaccharides (Amylase = maltose glucose) Proteins polypeptides dipeptides amino-acids ( protease = endo/exo) Fats copiousty acids &038 glycerol (lipase) Mouth (buccal cavity) Mechanical digestion (teeth) Saliva = salivary lands (mucus, salivary amylase &038 mineral ions = optimum pH slightly saltlike) = lubrication &038 some protein digestion (amylase = starch maltose) Swallowed as bolus Oesophagus Peristaltic contractions (longitudinal &038 circular muscles = not chthonic conscious control) Occurs all way through alimentary canal run = muscular sac (2 sphincter muscles = cardiac &038 pyloric keep food in stomach) Muscles in stomach wall contract rhythmically (mix food with gastric juice = secreted by stomach wall) stomachic juice = optimum pH of enzymes (pH2. 0), kills most bacteria, peptidase enzymes = protein polypeptides Pepsinogen (in prompt) = activated by HCl to active peptidase enzyme Mucus = form lining (protect wall from enzymes &038 acid/assist movement) Food leaves as chyme Purpose of HCl = optimum pH for enzymes, kill microbes, activate pepsinogen (pepsin) Gastric glands = peptic/chief cells (pepsinogen = inactive until HCl), oxyntic (secretes HCl) &038 goblet cells (mucus) Small Intestine = duodenum (first 20cm) &038 ileum insolence = produced in liver, repositingd in gall bladder, into duodenum via bile duct. = no enzymes.Bile salts = emulsifying lipids (lowers surface tension = globules droplets surface area) = neutralise acidity = exocrine glands in Pancreas via pancreatic duct. = Contains enzymes. Trypsinogen Trypsin (Enterokin ase) = Endopeptidases (protein peptides) Pancreatic Amylase (starch maltose) Pancreatic Lipase (lipids fatty acids &038 glycerol) Pancreatic juice Walls of duodenum = Brunners Glands (secrete alkaline juice &038 mucus) correct pH &038 lubrication/protection Enzymes secreted by cells at tips of villi (Crypts of Lieberkuhn) Maltase = Maltose 2 Glucose Sucrase = saccharose glucose &038 galactose Endopeptidases/Exopeptidases = polypeptides amino acids Endo = quaternary/tertiary smaller polypeptides. Exo = peptides amino acids assiduousness Ileum adapted Long BY2 revision Page 3 Long lining folded = large surface area Villi = finger like projections Epithelial cells = surface of villi (microscopic projections microvilli) Large number of mitochondria = lots of life force required Glucose &038 Amino-acids = epithelium of villi (diffusion &038 active transport) into capillary network hepatic portal vein to liver butterball acids &038 Glycerol = lacteal (blindly ending lymph c apillary) lymphatic system into bloodstream (thoracic duct) fat acids, Glycerol &038 most vitamins = diffusion through epithelial cell tissue worldlyer Glucose, Amino acids &038 dipeptides = need ATP (energy) co-transport (Na+ ion) Dipeptides digested intracellularly-pump ions out and then draws more in carries molecules in with it.Large intestine Caecum, Appendix, Colon &038 Rectum Water &038 mineral salts absorbed in colon vitamins secreted by micro-organisms (vitamin K &038 folic acid (Vitamin B9) Faeces = semi-solid condition (undigested cellulose, bacteria, sloughed cells) defaecation Uses Soluble food products bloodstream tissues (assimilation/provide energy) Glucose = energy release (respiration)/ overmuch lineaged (fat cells) Amino Acids = protein-synthesis. Cannot be stored (deaminated urea disposed &038 carbs stored) Lipids = membranes/hormones/excess stored as fat BY2 revision Page 4 Structure of the gut 24 May 2011 0852 Peristalsis = aids movement of foo d through alimentary canal 1) 2) 3) 4) Ingestion Digestion (mechanical = increase surface area/chemical = enzymes, glands in wall/outside wall) Absorption EgestionStructure of Mammalian Gut out serosa = layer of connective tissue (protection/reduces friction from other organs as it moves) Muscle layer = inner circular/outer longitudinal muscles = peristalsis Sub-mucosa = connective tissue, contains blood/lymph vessels absorption &038 nerves (co-ordinate muscular contractions peristalsis) mucous membrane = innermost layer (lines wall of gut), secretes mucus (lubrication &038 protection), secretes digestive juices in some regions (stomach)/absorbs food (ileum) Lumen = cavity of gut BY2 revision Page 5 Glands 1) Large glands outside gut secretions pass through tubes/ducts into lumen Eg. salivary gland, liver, pancreas 2) Glands in form of cells in sub-mucosa Eg.Secrete mucus in duodenum (Brunners glands alkaline juices also) 3) Glands in form of cells in mucosa Eg. Gastric gl ands(stomach) = gastric juice Crypts of lieberkuhn(in base of villus of small intestine) = enzymes (complete digestion) maltase = maltose Sucrase = saccharose Endopeptidase/exopeptidase = peptides/dipeptides BY2 revision Page 6 Adaptions for nutrition 24 May 2011 0937 Nutrition = obtain energy to maintain life functions and matter to create/maintain social organisation (from nutrients) Autotrophic plants Use simple organic tangibles CO2 &038 H2O to bring to pass energy &038 make complex compounds (make own food) provide food for others = producers putting green plants build up complex organic molecules eg sugars from CO2 &038 H2O.Source of energy = sunlight (absorbed in chlorophyll &038 related pigments) 6CO2 +6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 Use energy from special methods of respiration to synthe size of it organic food Consume complex organic food material (cannot make own food) = consumers. Take food into bodies and break down by digestion. normally internal in digestive system. Dige sted material absorbed (body tissues used by cells) Herbivores/Carnivores/Detritivores Dead/decaying matter no alter digestive system. Secrete enzymes outside body &038 absorb. (extracellular digestion). Microscopic = decomposers (important recycling priceless nutrients nitrogen) PhotosynthesisPlants/alga/ certain bacteria Autotrophic bacteria Animals, fungi, some protoctists &038 bacteria Most animals Chemosynthesis Heterotrophic Holozoic feeders Saprophytes (saprobionts) Parasites Mutualism (symbiosis) Fungi &038 some bacteria Tapeworm Organism that live in/on another organism and receive nutrition from it. Host suffers harm. Highly specialized. Cellulose Involves close association between members of2 different species. digesting bacteria Both derive some benefit from the relationship BY2 revision Page 7 Reproductive Strategies 24 May 2011 1008 Life cycle = sequence of interchanges through which it passes during its life from origin in reproduction until death. Reprod uction = ability to produce other individuals of the same species agamous Rapidly produces large numbers (identical genetic composition = clone) Binary nuclear fission (eg. Unicellular organisms bacteria/amoeba) Budding (eg. Hydra/yeast) Bulbs (eg. Onion/daffodil) Runners (eg. Strawberry) Tubers (eg. Potato) Sexual Involves 2 parents Less rapid than asexual Offspring are genetically different Fusion of haploid gametes Advantages/Disadvantages Asexual = lack of variety (adapting to environmental change) = if well suited to environment conditions, large numbers of successful type create up quickly Sexual = genetic variety (adapt to environmental change) = using of resistant stage in life cycle (can withstand untoward conditions) = formation of spores, seeds, larvae = dispersal of offspring.Reduces intraspecific competition enables genetic variety to develop as required. = more chance of mutation (complexity of process) Production of Gametes diploid = body cells (mitosis ) Haploid = sex cells/gametes (meiosis) Haploid Sperm + Haploid Egg = Diploid Fertilized Egg Zygote formed mitosis to grow Male gamete = small&038 super motile Female gamete = large/sedentary (presence of stored food) Mammalian ballock return only enough to survive until formation of placenta External fecundation bring in gametes directly into sea/freshwater Considerable wastage = eggs may not encounter spermatozoan Vast numbers of gametes produced Frogs joining of sperm/egg assisted by coupling.Male rubs hind legs on female for her to lay eggs, he immediately releases seminal fluid over them. Amphibians usually terrestrial, must(prenominal) return to water to breed = external fertilization Internal Fertilization Occurs inside body of female Requires intermittent organ to introduce sperm to females body Less chance of gametes being wasted BY2 revision Page 8 Less chance of gametes being wasted Allows male gamete to be independent of water for movement Fertilized eg g can be cover with protective covering before leaving female. (Animals lay eggs) Embryos develop inside parent and derive nourishment from her (placenta) = greatest adaption (mammals)Development of Zygote Usually outside body easy prey for predators Many eggs produced to attend some survive Insects, internal fertilization (ensure sperm deposited in females fruitful tract), external development (laid on food source) Evolution of amniote egg (reptiles/birds) = fluid filled cavity, surrounded by membrane &038 protective shell, encloses embryo within yolk sac Birds incubate eggs = embryo development (external) Mammals = boyish retained in mothers womb/uterus (no shell). Embryo nouri toss from mothers blood supply (placenta). Born in relatively advanced state of development. agnate Care Very little usually Stickleback looks after eggs, defends territory, fans eggs to provide o2 until they hatch Birds &038 mammals = provision of shelter, feeding, protection from predators , training for adult life. More parental care provided = fewer offspring produced Unisexual/Hermaphrodite Plants = male and female gametes produced in one individual Every individual capable of forming fertilized eggs Possibility of self-fertilization = inbreeding (reduced genetic variability) No intromittent organs special techniques evolved for transferring gametes Success of Insects Mainly terrestrial Depend on these to pollinate crops contention for food also Carry disease eg. Malaria Incomplete Metamorphosis (eg. Grasshopper) Egg Intermediate form = nymph (resembles adult smaller) Hard exoskeleton doesnt grow, must shed skin/molt Does this a series of times until it reaches full size Complete metamorphosis (eg.Butterfly/housefly) Egg Lava (specialized for feeding/growing) Pupa/chrysalis complete change Emerges as adult specialized for dispersal and reproduction Plants Simple plants = algae (seaweeds = confined to sea) &038 mosses &038 ferns (confined to damp areas -male gamete can swim to egg) Successful plants = conifers &038 flowering plants (independent of water for reproduction able to colonize land) Flowering plants = morphology (Efficient water carrying xylem vessels &038 reproduction) Male pollen grains with hard coat = withstand vaporisation (transfer to stigma of female fix by environmental conditions) Plants &038 grasses = small inconspicuous flowers pollen carried by wind brightly coloured flowers &038 scent = attraction by insects (carry pollen to stigma) BY2 revision Page 9 Brightly coloured flowers &038 scent = attraction by insects (carry pollen to stigma) Male gametes spark through pollen tube to female part and egg (no longer necessitate film of water to reach egg) Fertilised egg develops into seed containing food store (with resistant coat) Key to success = relationship with animals (attract insects which pollinate/seed dispersal) &038 bourne of eggs in ovary and evolution of seed Can survive unbecoming conditions Flowering plants are so successful because of Short interval between flower production and setting of seed (few weeks) Seed with food store = embryo develops until leaves are produced above ground (photosynthesis) Seed protects embryo from desiccation &038 other hazards = resistant coat Leaves deciduous &038 succulent = decay when recall to ground humus produced. (rapid recycling of ions for reuse) BY2 revision Page 10 Translocation 24 May 2011 1441 = transport of soluble organic materials, sucrose and amino acids (bi-directional movement) Products of photosynthesis = phloem.From source (area that makes the photosynthate sucrose = leaves) to sink (where needed for growth/storage) bast fiber structure Sieve tubes (adapted for longitudinal flow of material = no marrow ,have pores =cover plates allows rapid flow of manufactured food substances) Companion cells (linked to sieve tubes by plasmodesmata with fibres &038 parenchyma, dense cytoplasm = lots of mitochond ria lots of metabolic activity, large nucleus controls activity) Phloem fibres Phloem parenchyma Mass flow hypothesis in that respect is a passive flow of sucrose from source to sink Does not account for observations such as movement in opposite directions at same time &038 rate Other hypotheses = diffusion, cytoplasmic streaming usher for translocation 1) Aphid (greenfly) Feed (proboscis), leave embedded proboscis, liquid = sucrose &038 amino acids. Sectioning stem shows proboscis is in phloem sieve tube 2) Ringing Experiments film editing off ring of bark (including phloem, leave xylem), immerse in water. jutting above cut = accumulation of organic solutes, cannot continue. Will eventually die 3) Radioactive isotopes Carbon-14 supplied to plant fixed in glucose upon photosynthesis (14C6H12O6) Stem cut, x-ray = phloem contains radioactivity BY2 revision Page 11